Sponsor Spotlight: GoDaddy

We want to thank GoDaddy for being a Union Sponsor at WordCamp US.

Our sponsors make it possible to continue bringing these educational, community-supporting, and entertaining conferences to cities and towns all over the world. The support of sponsors like GoDaddy allow us to keep ticket prices low so the event is accessible to all. Sponsors like these give back to the free and open source WordPress project through their awesome support of the WordPress Community and WordCamps.

GoDaddy Pro is a free membership program for web developers, designers & agencies. It offers exclusive tools to help onboard, manage and maintain multiple clients and their sites fast and easy. With GoDaddy Pro tools, you can easily shop for your client, monitor their sites, and manage their products from a single dashboard. Additionally, your membership includes advanced 24/7 technical support and rewards for recommending GoDaddy to your clients.

You can use GoDaddy Pro with all of GoDaddy’s newly refreshed hosting products, including Managed WordPress, cPanel shared hosting, our brand new cloud product, and our virtual and dedicated solutions.

And, always get the best price on GoDaddy products with your “30% off list price” member benefit.

Learn more about GoDaddy Pro.

WordCamp US 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!