Raising kids with code

If I had a dollar for every time I wished for a clone to help me get all my work finished… well, let’s just say it costs a lot more than that to raise a couple of kids.

As a parent, an educator, and a professional WordPress developer, I’ve given coding a central place in my children’s curriculum. Through games, Minecraft mods, and (of course) WordPress, they’re learning the basics of programming, site administration, and even entrepreneurialism. They’re not ready to take over my job (yet), but they have a great head start toward a future where programming skills pervade nearly every career.

Let’s take a look at some of the approaches, tools, and communities available to us as parents and educators. Our children will grow up to face a new kind of digital economy. We can help them learn the skills they need to thriv


WordCamp US 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!